Upland BlueVenn On-Demand Webinar
Upland BlueVenn
Upland BlueVenn On-Demand Webinar
How to fuse together online and offline data to piece together a single view of every customer.
On-Demand Webinar
On-Demand Webinar

How to fuse together online and offline data to piece together a single view of every customer.

Multi-channel marketing departments across the world undergo constant struggles in their attempts to effectively unify all their data to create a Single Customer View.

Ultimately, the aim is to fuse together online and offline data to piece together an often fragmented view of every customer that hinders personalization tactics and leads to misdirected campaigns and marketing offers.

In this webinar we’ll:

  • Take you through the process that a Customer Data Platform (CDP) automates for marketers 
  • Detail the benefits of a CDP to create trustworthy analytics, segmentation and more targeted personalisation strategies across all your marketing channels.


  • Keep up to date with global best practice in data driven marketing